Sunday, February 26, 2012

Parenting..Who said it was easy?

As Muslim parents,we should not be opposed to our children being independent. Seeking independence is a normal trend and is perfectly natural for this stage of human development. By instilling in teens the desire for Independence, Allah preparing them for the next stage of their life. They are undergoing a transition between childhood and adulthood. Nor Should parents resent the ability of their children to integrate well into their society, whether it be a majority Muslim society or a majority non Muslim society. -Dr.Mohamed Beshir-

I've been reading a book by Habeeb Quadri & Sa'ad Quadri called, " Parenting..Who said it was easy?". For people coming from a diversed background, I think it would be very informative and influential for them to read. The book helps you not only deal with your children but answers the many questions that many of us growing up in the America would have wanted answered.