Thursday, June 13, 2013

Making a difference by knowing your priority.

During an interview, the interviewer asked me," I noticed that you wanted to become a lawyer but as you concluded at the end of your personal statement, you changed your mind. Would you please explain why?"

I responded without hesitation, “All my life, I wanted to become a physician because I thought that the only career I had in changing people's lives was to become one. I knew nothing better. And as an adult, I wanted to become a lawyer so that I can defend the oppressed as I come from a place where I'm not allowed to speak my mind freely because I'm a Palestinian. I prayed long nights and thought of it for a while but after I had my son, Ziad, I somehow knew what I wanted. I knew that as a lawyer, my time will only be devoted to a career that will ultimately defend people's lives and I knew as a lawyer, I will get what I always wanted which is to be on the side of the oppressed. I knew that I can get far and that is not impossible.But, I have a priority and that priority is raising Ziad. I 'm not initiating that I cannot do both but I know that somehow if I've chosen to become a lawyer, Ziad would be secondary and that I didn't want."

As mother, it is my duty to bring to the world a man who will hopefully bring tremendous change- A man who will walk in the footsteps of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and as I hope to be a leader as Malcolm X and Salah El-Deen El Ayoubi.  I pray that he will bring the change that his father and I have always hoped for and that no matter what he decides to do, I pray that he will be an educator of all that is good and that he delivers the same message Angel Gabriel has given to prophet Muhammad, A message that was not meant only for men but for women also- the message that reads, " Read in the name of your Lord who created, created man from a clot. Read, for your Lord is most Generous, Who teaches by means of the pen, teaches man what he does not know." ( Surah: 096- Al-Alqa)

My response is a result of experience. I've noticed children who come from a household where both parents work full time, the child is mostly well disciplined and is just as capable of being successful, however we always find a problem with the way our society functions overall.  When we tend to shift the focus away from our children and all energy is put into a career, somehow there is a gap, I personally do not know what it is because I've only been a mother for a couple of months, but I can tell you that I've seen the difference. I prefer to devote all my time on my children. But when that is not possible, I'll  need to choose a career that will give most of my time to my children and some to the the career. I wish I can do both, but for the time being, Ziad will come first.  I understand that many of us as mothers have contributed years to our education and have devoted most of our energy, our lives into it, but we need not to forget that we have a greater responsibility- a privilege- the privilege of producing good directly from our homes into the world. 

 If we do not contribute to society content and well-disciplined children, our societies will never change. 

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