Sunday, June 23, 2013

Delivering a Hopeful Message

I've read many statuses, posts and comments on how yesterday's Arab Idol shouldn't have gotten the attention it had and that it was disgraceful. I wanted to note to all of you something I find very important. Regardless of the circumstances in the Arab world and in Palestine alone, Assaf has done something that many were incapable of doing. As we know, there are thousands of people capable of singing, however not many could deliver a message that is both meaningful and inspiring. I was not a fan of Arab Idol and thought that those watching it were wasting their time until I watched the final episode and noticed that this actually could bring change. It actually changed something, it has not only given the Palestinians something to smile about. Assaf was capable of reminding them that they,too, can use their talent and bring change to the world by something they could easily afford and that they could do something about the occupation besides fight it, which is to deliver a hopeful message,if not by their voice, then through their writings, photos and songs.

 If not with your voice, where do you plan to start?

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