Sunday, September 29, 2013

A Message to the Woman Behind the Screen,

I decided to start blogging because I've finally concluded that I needed to. Believe it or not, at 2:12 a.m, I decided to get out bed and write because I need to get started somewhere. Tomorrow morning, I'll wake up complaining of sleep deprivation and the next, so that I would be able to wake up early for Ziado and I still wouldn't listen. I guess, I figured what it that that is really keeping me from sleeping-

Perhaps, I heard voices in my head. If starting here means you'll read and know that many people are writing for you, you'd be encouraged. You'd be encouraged to be who you are, whatever you may be, with whoever you dream of being. 

Perhaps, I can start by telling you. Do not be afraid. Be strong!   
And convince myself what I'm hoping to convince you. Together. Here. 


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