Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Dear Ziado,

You taught me how to love
how to speak so soft
How to sing when the night is dark-
taught me how to love like I've never known before.

You made me cry many times!
While I waited for your tears to stop
I continued to hold you
and continued to assure you that I still love you
and I wish you knew before you assumed 
that even when you turned my days blue
I still and will forever love you.

You come between your father and I-
Kick me side ways on bed while you cry
And here I am, waking up rocking you in chair.
And many times, I want to pull my hair 
Cause  I swear
I miss your father,too.
but your tears tell me that you miss me, too.

You smile so wide
and cry so sudden
then smile again
With your teeth showing
And giggle with that smile
And here I am, up while
you sleep
treasuring the moments before I begin to weep.

Cause soon, you'll be gone
Just remember son, 

I'll be here
And if not in the present, then always in your thoughts.
Cause that's where we'll meet forever.

I'll always be here! I promise!
 Just call on me, Mama! 
and I'll be sure to make you realize,
I'm always in your prayers 
wherever you are
And wherever I am
I'll always be there
Cause kid, you are my child. 

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